Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Let's Have Moment of Silence for Kim's Face

She used to be so cute. oh well, I digress. I hope she wins Dancing with the Stars...

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Girl Power! Wonder Woman Movie Released Today

Wonder Woman is my Shero! I'm SO buying this DVD.
Official Movie Website

And the Survey Says: ABSOLUTELY NOT!

Singer/Actress Christina Millian recenly went blonde. My friends and family know that I'm a certified Kitchen Beautician and I've had some hair experiments that have gone bad, but this color on Christina gives Bad Hair Day a whole new meaning. Sriously, she should fire her stylist immediately.

Macy's Losing Fine Jewelry Department

I just ran across this article on the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel website. Wow. The recession is real! This is getting bad...But if you're in the market for some fine jewelry, you might want to check out one of these Clearance Sales!

By Doris Hajewski of the Journal Sentinel

Boston Store, Macy's and other department store chains around the country are losing their fine jewelry departments because the vendor is pulling out.

The departments have been operated for years by Finlay Enterprises under a lease with the department stores. Finlay, based in New York, also operates stores under the names Bailey Banks & Biddle; Carlyle; and Congress.

Finlay is having financial difficulties and has decided to get out of the department store business entirely.

Clearance sales are under way at the department stores. Chains in Wisconsin that are affected by the Finlay departure are Boston Store, Elder-Beerman, Herberger's, Younkers and Macy's.


Johnson Publishing Company Strugling

My mother just sent me an email yesterday about the situation at Johnson Publiching Company, the parent company of Ebony and Jet magazines. So I did a little digging and found this article on Black Enerprise's website. Clearly, this economy is impacting everyone. I hope the reorganization works. Make sure you visit to subscribe and support.

By Marcia A. Wade - February 03, 2009

Chicago-based Johnson Publishing Co. announced Ebony and JET magazines will be undergoing a reorganization which will require all current employees to reapply for their jobs.

“Reshaping our organizational design will help ensure that we continue to evolve with the ever-changing media landscape,” said Linda Johnson Rice, Chairman & CEO at the Chicago-based company.

The company would not give specific details about the reorganization, including what positions will be eliminated and employees who will be leaving the company.

The changes are being put into place to continue the 67-year-old company’s “long-term success and ensure [its] future as the entire publishing industry navigates the tumultuous economic climate.”

Year-on-year, ad revenue at Ebony fell by 18.8% and by 40.9% at JET for the fourth quarter of 2008. Among ethnic media, Johnson Publishing is not alone in the washout. The men’s hip-hop magazine XXL let go its editor-in-chief, Elliot Wilson. Revenue decreased at Vibe Magazine by 15.2%, by 22.2% at Essence Magazine.

Circulation at Ebony, a monthly general interest magazine, increased by 3.5%, and circulation at Jet, a weekly news magazine that covers entertainment, news, and lifestyle stories of interest to African Americans, rose 2.2% through the first half of 2008. Their numbers were slightly better than the industry as a whole, which was flat for the same period, according to Neal Lulofs, senior vice president of communications at the Audit Bureau of Circulations.

Separately, Jackson says that Bryan Monroe is still employed with Johnson as vice president and editorial director for Ebony and Jet magazines, contrary to reports by other news outlets that his position had been eliminated.